A Few Simple Tips to be Prepared
Just like you, we are closely watching the progress of all the weather situations as they unfold. There is a lot you can do to protect your classic cars from damage due to severe weather well ahead of the National Weather Service issuing a Storm Warning.
The recent devastation caused by inclement weather, is a constant reminder that we must be diligent with the care for our own classic vehicles.
At this point, we suggest the following steps:
1.    Please review your vehicle evacuation plan, and make sure your classic vehicles are road worthy, fueled, and ready to be evacuated if necessary.
2.    Check all windows and doors in your storage facility, and be prepared to secure them to withstand hurricane force winds and possible flood waters.
3.    If your vehicles cannot be driven to safety, please consider rolling them to the most secure areas of your garage – as far away as possible from doors and windows – and placing       the vehicles on jack stands or tire ramps to minimize damage from flooding or high water.
Utilizing the latest US Weather Service information, the carrier for our program, Philadelphia Insurance Companies, will issue a binding restriction notice if they deem that severe weather is imminent, and at that time, we suggest taking every possible step to remove your classic vehicles from the storm’s path and secure them inland where the risk if severe weather is diminished.
Severe Weather Statistics
During a typical year, several tropical storms and hurricanes will develop in the Atlantic and in the Gulf of Mexico and threaten the U.S. It takes only one of these storms making landfall to have an impact on your home, auto or other possessions. All residents should be prepared with:
1.    An evacuation plan – know where to go and how to get there
2.    Have an emergency travel kit prepared
3.    3 days of essential supplies, water, and batteries
LINK – www.floridadisaster.org
Store your classic in a well-built garage with sound roofing and siding, gutters free of debris, and properly secured windows and doors. Your first line of defense is keeping the severe weather out.
In coastal areas or flood plains, have an escape plan, which means keeping your vehicles road worthy, fueled, and ready to drive at all times, and preparing for an alternate a location on higher ground where the cars can ride out the storm safely.
If your vehicles can’t be driven to safety, roll them to the most secure spot possible, away from doors and windows. Jack stands or tire ramps can help minimize the chance of flood damage. Supplies like tarps and sandbags onsite can make all the difference.
We appreciate the care you take of your classic vehicles, and together, we can minimize the possible damage caused by any weather situation.
All of us at Grundy Insurance hope you, your family, and friends are safe and secure.
During this extreme weather situation, our goal is to provide services and in meeting your needs. We are working hard to keep you informed and be ready to bring resolve and peace of mind to your situation should this hurricane make landfall.
The Grundy Agency