August 19, 2016
Organized By
Big Turlock Swap
Summer Turlock Swap
Vendor Info & Registration
The Big Turlock Swap is an exclusive car parts and automotive related items only event. Vendors who attend include; everyday people, small business owners, large commercial businesses. Anybody who has auto related parts & accessories to sell can participate. We welcome all different types of sellers to attend and turn your old parts into CASH!
Pre-Registration is highly encouraged due to strong demand. With respect to vendor spaces; vendors who wish to reserve their right to their previous vendor space location MUST pay 30 days prior to that event. If payment is NOT received 30 days prior to that event, then vendor forfeits their right to their previous vendor space location. First come, First served.
Saturday Early Set-up:
Early set-up is provided for all vendors. This is always the Saturday before the scheduled event starting at 3pm until 11pm. We do have vendors stay overnight on site so they are ready for the following day of business. Pre-registration & Saturday early set-up is highly encouraged to avoid waiting in lines.
Vendor Space & Prices:
• Premium Asphalt (18 X 40) – $45 (early bird) $50 (weekend of)
• Field Spot (15 X 40) – $40 (early bird) $50 (weekend of)
• Grass (20 X 20) – $20(early bird) $25 (weekend of)
• Cars for Sale – $20 (includes admission for driver)
Please discuss specifics with vendor registration at 209-579-4797 or email Ron@BigTurlockSwap.com.
Vendors enter through designated vendor gate entrance, please see map.
We Swap Rain or Shine! No Refunds
No Cancellations No Returns