August 13, 2016 to August 13, 2016
Lake Bluff Park
378 Lake Blvd, St Joseph, MI 49085
(847) 234-4150
Organized By
Concours d’Elegance of Southwest Michigan
Concours d’Elegance Lake Bluff
12th Annual
Vintage Automobile Exhibition
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Lake Bluff Park
St. Joseph, MI [MAP]
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tickets are $10 for adults 18 years and older.
Children are free.
Nationally renowned automobile artist and retired auto designer Tom Hale of Northville, Michigan will be the Lake Bluff Concours featured guest in 2016. His design career spanned 20 years with brief stints at GM and Chrysler and 15 years at AMC. Vehicles with a Hale “touch” include the 1970 Plymouth Duster and ‘Cuda AAR and a number of AMC models including Gremlin, Matador coupe, Ambassador and Pacer.Planning for 2016 is underway. If you have an automobile from the Brass, Classic, Vintage, or Muscle Car Eras, consider applying in January to be part of our show. Our Selection Committee will meet in April to review applicants.